Drunken bar fights from the safety of your own home

Tim Gant
2 min readMay 19, 2021


Have you ever wanted to drunkenly beat up a person without experiencing any legal or physical repercussion? Weird event to wish for, but if that was your wish then this is a dream come true. Drunken Bar Fight is a VR game developed by The Munky Studios, and available on Steam Play Station, standalone VR, and Windows Mixed Reality. It is a simple game where “the only limit to mayhem is your imagination and your moral decency.” I played the Oculus version with the full room motion tracking sensors, and was able to casually walk/ brawl around the virtual bar.

The Controls

The user interfaces are quite simple. As far as I know there are two ways to move around your virtual space. If you have the movement sensors then the sensors will detect your physical body movement and translate that to in game movement, option two is by using the controller joysticks as you would in a traditional video game. Grabbing items is similarly easy. If you want to grab an item simply use the trigger on the controller corresponding to the virtual hand you are using. A fun aspect is that if you get knocked down the camera changes to third person mode and you have to pick yourself up to be “revived”

The Game

The game consists of four separate location/levels. The locations are a rooftop party, an alleyway, a bar, and a saloon. For the player to maintain their strength they must constantly consume the alcohol from the bars as they fight off the NPCs until the cops arrive. In the windows version of the game there is a multiplayer option, with the same goals as single player option. As an introduction to VR it is a great game as the concept is simple and the controls intuitive. It’s also a fantastic spectator VR game for the likes of parties, there’s something entertaining about watching your friends stumble around a bar and beat up NPCs. As the game is relatively small in terms of content and features, there’s not a lot to be found about it on the internet. This link below is the most content I found in one place.



